Current cleanup can’t protect Pambar Shola

21 June 2010 Gokul Chandrasekar Express News Service   A site-specific target level of 25mg/kg for cleanup of mercury in Kodaikanal is grossly inadequate to save the eco-sensitive Pambar Shola forest, according to Mark Chernaik, toxicologist and staff scientist at the US-based ‘environment law alliance worldwide’. Chernaik made the remark after conducting a critical assessment […]

Proposed power plant will affect biodiversity

7 June 2010 P.V. Srividya The Hindu   NAGAPATTINAM: The minutes of the Coastal Regulatory Zone meeting convened on April 29, to discuss the Rs.7,200 crore project proposed by M/s Chettinadu Power Corporation Private Limited reveal that the Fisheries and the Forest Department does not endorse the Environment Impact Assessment report of the Company. According […]

CPI voices concern over acquisition of coastal lands

7 June 2010 Special Correspondent The Hindu   Seven firms have initiated process of acquiring thousands of acres through private agents   CUDDALORE: The district committee of the Communist Party of India has urged the State government to stop the indiscriminate land acquisition going on in the coastal villages of Cuddalore district for the sake […]

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