Chennai CRZ Docs on Website Wrong

PRESS RELEASE 18 November, 2013 In response to media coverage of Chennai fisherfolk’s demands that the CRZ public hearing slotted for 19 November be postponed until after the relevant documents are made available in Tamil, the Department of Environment has hurriedly uploaded Coastal Zone Management maps on its website at around 11.30 a.m. today. The […]

Postpone hearing, say Chennai fisherfolk

17 November 2013 SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT The Hindu   CHENNAI: Members of various fishermen associations in the city want the public hearing on the coastal zone management plan, scheduled for next week, to be postponed. They have demanded more transparency in communication about the meeting. The government, which has prepared coastal zone management plan maps, has […]

Cheyyur plant green nod challenged

13th November 2013 By Express News Service CHENNAI: A resident of Panaiyur Periakuppam in Kancheepuram has moved the National Green Tribunal here challenging the Environment Clearance (EC) awarded recently to the proposed 4,000 Megawatt Ultra Mega Power Project in Cheyyur belonging to the Power Finance Corporation by the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF). This […]

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