Marine pollution a serious threat: TNPCB chairman

6 February 2009 Special Correspondent The Hindu     ——————————————————————————- Next edition of the conference on ocean engineering in 2013 ——————————————————————————-   CHENNAI: Marine pollution would affect not just coastal areas but also the hinterland, R. Balakrishnan, chairman, Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB), said. To control this, government policies should be accompanied by measures […]

AITUC, CITU stage dharna

23 January 2009 The Hindu   CUDDALORE: A total of 446 members of the CITU and AITUC staged dharna in different places in the town asserting trade union rights, and courted arrest.   They urged the government to pass legislation to recognise trade union activity, to take action against foreign and domestic companies that denied […]

Uppanar Pollution: Fishermen report fish with diseases, suspect illegal discharges into the river

Cuddalore, 22 January 2009: Fishermen in Uppanar have reported increased incidents of catching fishes with diseases. According to SACEM monitor and fisherman from Sangolikuppam S. Pugazendhi many fishes of a local variety ‘Madava’ are being noticed with burnt skin and blisters. This damage in the fish is being noticed for about a month in the […]

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