Author : sacem

SPIC Pharmaceuticals was caught burning huge amounts of date expired medicines in Pallikarnai marsh in Perungudi

February 10, 2005 SPIC Pharmaceuticals was caught red-handed burning about 200 to 300 kg of date-expired medicines on the National Highway near the Pallikaranai marshlands in Perungudi, near Chennai, today. Activists from Chennai-based Consumer Action Group and Toxics Link were first to reach the spot, and intimate local authorities. Ragpickers scavenging through the smouldering pile […]

Lay, Community and Worker Epidemiology An Integrating Strand in Participatory Research

Andrew Watterson Introduction Download this report in Adobe pdf format Effective public health should be based on the World Health Organisation (WHO) principles of ‘upstream’ health interventions to prevent the development of avoidable diseases, rather than focus on downstream medical interventions to treat preventable diseases. The achievement of such an approach should therefore rest on […]

Introduction to Wipe Sampling SOURCE: Communities for a Better Environment

After a chemical release, community members sometimes notice that substances have collected on the rooftops or walls of their homes or other buildings, surfaces of their automobiles, or windowsills, or other surfaces inside of their homes. “Wipe sampling” is a procedure for collecting those substances and determining what chemicals are in them. WARNING: Wipe sampling […]

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