Media Stories


  Victims of Lever’s neglect Exposure to mercury at Unilever’s thermometer plant is suspected to be the cause of the early demise of tens of workers and for the congenital anomalies among ex-workers’ children. Dead Ex-workers   Sick & dead children   Clockwise from left Nitish Kumar – Brain Problem Balaji – Brain Problem (Dead) Vijay – Heart Problem Michael – Brain Problem […]


Studies and Reports on environmental pollution and public health hazard caused by Hindustan Lever in Kodaikanal Studies of mercury pollution in a lake due to a thermometer factory situated in a tourist resort: Kodaikkanal, India D. Karunasagar, M.V. Balarama Krishna, J. Arunachalam – Department of Atomic Energy, Hyderabad and Y. Anjaneyulu – JNTU, Hyderabad Click here to […]


  Kodaikanal Kodaikanal is part of the Palni Hills in Tamilnadu. Once famed for the pristine forests and grasslands that dot the landscape, cool weather and clean air, Kodaikanal is now the dumping ground for deadly mercury that will leach its slow poison into the environment for a thousand years. Hindustan Lever, a 51% subsidiary […]

Villagers up in arms against Cheyyur plant

23rd October 2013 Express News Service New Indian Express CHENNAI: Inhabitants of several villages near Cheyyur in Kancheepuram, where a proposed 4,000 MW thermal power plant is to be situated, on Tuesday alleged that the Power Finance Corporation (PFC) was deliberately withholding key information from prospective investors for the project.   They said the villages […]

Land Acquisition Hurdles Make Cheyyur UMPP Riskier

PRESS RELEASE Download this release in Adobe pdf format 22 October, 2013: Villagers warned investors considering the Cheyyur 4000 MW UMPP that the project’s lead agency, Power Finance Corporation, was underplaying significant risks by not disclosing legal and land acquisition challenges it faces. Even as land acquisition proceedings for the port and power plant for […]

Cheyyur UMPP too Risky: Activists Warn Bidders

PRESS RELEASE Download this release in Adobe pdf format 15 October, 2013. New Delhi – A pre-application Conference organised by Power Finance Corporation for potential bidders for the Cheyyur and Odisha 4000 MW UMPPs witnessed numerous questions on the risks associated with the alleged fraud by PFC, its consultants and officials of the Environment Ministry […]

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