SIPCOT air continues to be a cocktail of chemical odours reports SACEM pollution patrol

Cuddalore July 15, 2005: SACEM monitors conducted several pollution patrols from the evening of 5th to 10th of July and documented a series of chemical odours, intensity of which ranked from 2 to 8. The various chemical odours documented were of sapotta, roasted powder, hospital, and rotten smell. The patrol conducted in SIPCOT area were […]

SIPCOT air continues to be a cocktail of chemical odours reports SACEM pollution patrol

Cuddalore July 8, 2005: SACEM monitors conducted two pollution patrols on the evening of 5th and 6th of July. The patrol documented a series of chemical odours ranking from 2 to 8. The various chemical odours documented were of Chikoo odour, roasted powder odour, hospital odour, and rotten smell. The patrol conducted in SIPCOT area […]

Fresh eco assessment sought at SIPCOT

Special Correspondent The Hindu 04 June, 2005 Ramadoss unhappy over plan to start new units; seeks public hearing Ramdoss unhappy over plan to start new units; seeks fresh hearing CUDDALORE: The Pattali Makkal Katchi (PMK) has called for fresh environmental impact assessment (EIA) and holding of a public hearing before setting up new units in […]

SIPCOT residents gear up for the fight against the Chemplast PVC project, launch a signature campaign

Cuddalore, June 22, 2005: The residents of SIPCOT Cuddalore launched a massive signature campaign against the proposed Chemplast Sanmar PVC project. The signatures are being collected from all the areas around SIPCOT industrial complex and are being sent to Mr. A. Raja, Minister of Environment and Forests (MoEF). By the end of two days about […]

Loyal Super Fabrics Caught Discharging “Dark Brown” effluent in CUSECS 5

Cuddalore, June 13, 2005: While conducting the pollution patrol in the SIPCOT industrial area on 12 June 2005, SACEM monitors reported “dark brown” effluent discharge from Loyal Super Fabrics pipe line into CUSECS 5. The monitors suspected that the effluent was not treated properly hence the colour. The incident was reported at 7:20 pm and […]

Poison in the air

ASHA KRISHNAKUMAR in Cuddalore Frontline The Hindu 04 June, 2005 Poisonous gases released into the air by some chemical units in the SIPCOT industrial estate in Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu, continue to endanger the lives and livelihoods of people in a number of villages in the absence of government action. At the SIPCOT industrial estate in […]

Report lists pollution hotspots

Tuesday May 24, 2005 Staff Reporter The Hindu Small-scale industries have high aggregate pollution potential The benchmark report assembles all available data on water and air pollution, biodiversity, land degradation and waste management CHENNAI: The State of Environment (SoE) Report of Tamil Nadu, released by the Environment Department on Monday, officially confirmed what environmentalists had […]

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