CUSECS leaks once again

Cuddalore, February 14, 2008 — Living up to its reputation of being a repeat environmental offender, the common effluent collection and forwarding facility CUSECS sprung a leak near the Thamaraikulam (Lotus Pond) of Karaikadu. The leak occurred within an inspection tank built over CUSECS pipelines. The inspection tank was filled to overflowing with toxic effluents […]

Campaign Resources

March 7, 2008: Global Day of Action against Unilever  Kodaikanal Seeks Justice: Appeal from ex-workers and residents Download flyer (PDF)  Victims of Pollution, Injustice & Betrayal: Story of the struggle in pictures Download Photo-exhibition images & instructions  Letter of Solidarity with the ex-workers & residents of Kodaikanal Download letter (DOC)  Letter to the local Unilever […]

Poisonous fumes choke Chennai

Wednesday, February 13, 2008 Sanjay Pinto   Chennai: Every morning hundreds of people in Chennai walk or jog along the Marina Beach in order to breathe, what they think is fresh air. Hardly a kilometer away an NGO has recorded an alarming level of Hydrogen Sulphide.   The dangerous fume is more than a […]

A Fox in the Hen House: Made-To-Order Science and India’s Asbestos Policy

PRESS RELEASE New Delhi, 5th February, 2008: Thirteen national labour and labour support groups (1) today released a dossier titled A Fox in the Hen House: Made-to-order science and India’s asbestos policy that exposes how the Ministry of Chemicals, acting in collusion with the asbestos industry, is manufacturing science to back its pre-determined position to […]

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