19 ex-workers dead
Hundreds Sick
Babies born with deformities
Slow growth in children
Poisoned EnvironmentKodaikanal Seeks Justice
March 7, 2008: Global Day of Action against Unilever
§ Hold Unilever accountable for Mercury Poisoning
§ Seek justice for victims of Unilever’s negligence
§ Prevent another generation from being poisoned
§ Hold Unilever accountable for Mercury Poisoning
§ Seek justice for victims of Unilever’s negligence
§ Prevent another generation from being poisoned
Take Action: Target Unilever Wherever You Are
Organise photo exhibitions on Unilever’s mercury fever in schools, community halls, etc
Organise candle-light vigils in your towns
Take out a rally supporting the cause of the ex-workers
Express your solidarity with the struggling ex-workers and the pollution impacted community
Organise actions at Hindustan Lever/Unilever offices in your cities
Write, call, fax the local Unilever office and ask them to take responsibility for their pollution in Kodaikanal.
Click here for contact details of Unilever offices worldwide
Organise local boycotts of Unilever’s consumer products – tea, cosmetics, soaps and detergents
Know more about Unilever’s products/brands and lies

Click here for contact details of Unilever offices worldwide

Know more about Unilever’s products/brands and lies
Appeal from the ex-workers and residents of Kodaikanal Download Now |
Victims of Pollution & Injustice: Kodai’s struggle in pictures Download Photo-exhibition images & instructions |
Unilever’s Lies Know how ‘fair & lovely’ Unilever’s brands are |
Letter of Solidarity with the ex-workers & residents of Kodaikanal Download Letter (DOC) |
Letter to the local Unilever office expressing your concern with the company’s carelesness Download Letter (DOC) |
Write solidarity letters to:
Pond’s HLL ex-Mercury Workers Welfare Association
J.R. Complex, Kamarajar Road,
Kodaikanal 624101
Email: kodai.struggle@gmail.com
Take Action